Preparation hot

151 products

  • SARO Fritteuse Modell EF 6 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-443-6005-Saro-4017337049202

    Saro Saro fryer model EF 6

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - rounded, removable, pelvis with cold zone - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - for professional use - Security thermostat - Weight: 15 kg - Dimensions: W 267 x D 418/594 x H 281 - Contents: 6 liters - Temp. 60 / +200 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 3 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • SARO Fritteuse Modell FT 13 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-429-1107-Saro-4017337429011

    Saro Saro fryer model ft 13

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    - Material: stainless steel - Rounded basin with cold zone - with a drain tap - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - on/off switch - Security thermostat - Weight: 9 kg - Dimensions: W 310 x D 505 x H 355 - Contents: 13 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 3.3 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • SARO Glühplattenherd offener Unterbau +2 Brenner Modell LQ / TPG6BA - Salmgastro Onlineshop-423-8115-Saro-4017337062812

    Saro Saro glow plate stove Open substructure +2 burner model LQ / TPG6BA

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    - heavy robust stainless steel AISI 304 - 12 mm thick cooking area - removable middle section - 12 kW atmospheric burner (hotplate) - 1 x 7.4 kW and 1 x 5.5 kW burner - Security thermostat - acid -resistant emalled castroste - pilot flame - piezo ignition - Ofen substructure for storage space - preset on H-gas, propane axes included - Dis.: W 1200 x D 900 x H 850 mm - Weight: 170/185 kg (n/b) - Connection: 27.9kW

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • SARO Bain Marie mit offenem Unterbau Modell 7/BME2BA - Salmgastro Onlineshop-423-1155-Saro-4017337423316

    Saro Saro Bain Marie with an open substructure model 7/bme2ba

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    - Material: stainless steel - for 2/1 Gn or 2 x 1/1 Gn, depth 150 mm, (GN container not included) - built-in supply and drain tap - Rounded basin - overflow system - Regulated security thermostat - Weight: 70 kg - Dimensions: W 800 x D 700 x H 850 mm - Contents: 17 liters - Temp. 30 /+90 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50-60 Hz - 3 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • SARO Fritteuse Modell PROFRI 4 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-2030-Saro-4017337172306

    Saro Saro fryer model Profri 4

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    - Material: stainless steel - rounded, removable pools with cold zone - Stepless temperature setting - Removable heating elements enable problem -free cleaning - Security thermostat - Dimensions including side handles - Weight: 5 kg - Dimensions: W 245 x D 430 x H 310 - Contents: 4 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 2 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Sale -24% Electrolux Gasgrillplatte verchromt Glatt 400mm E7FTGDCS00 Ausstellungsgerät

    Electrolux Electrolux Gasgrillplatte verchromt Glatt 400mm E7FTGDCS00 Ausstellungsgerät

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Lieferumfang 1 × Electrolux Gasgrillplatte E7FTGDCS00 1 × Fettauffangbehälter 1 × dreiseitiger Spritzschutz aus Edelstahl Technische Daten Modell: E7FTGDCS00 Abmessungen (B × T × H): 400 × 730 × 250 mm Leistung: 7 kW Gasart: Erdgas oder LPG (Umbausets enthalten) Bratfläche: glatt, hartverchromt Bratflächengröße: 330 × 540 mm Temperaturbereich: 100 °C bis 280 °C Gewicht: ca. 56 kg Besonderheiten Hartverchromte Bratfläche für optimale Wärmeleitung und einfache Reinigung Thermostatische Temperaturregelung für präzises Garen Bratfläche mit 1° Neigung für optimalen Fettablauf IPX4 Spritzwasserschutz Piezozündung für sichere Inbetriebnahme Rechtwinklige Seitenkanten für nahtlose Integration in Kochzeilen Zustand Ausstellungsstück Weist Gebrauchsspuren auf Geprüft durch unseren Techniker Grundreinigung wurde durchgeführt Die Electrolux Gasgrillplatte E7FTGDCS00 ist ein hochwertiges Küchengerät, das speziell für den professionellen Einsatz entwickelt wurde. Mit einer kompakten Breite von 400 mm fügt sie sich nahtlos in verschiedene Küchenlayouts ein und bietet dennoch eine großzügige Bratfläche von 330 × 540 mm. Die hartverchromte Oberfläche gewährleistet eine hervorragende Wärmeleitung und ermöglicht das gleichmäßige Garen von Fleisch, Fisch und Gemüse. Zudem erleichtert die glatte, verchromte Oberfläche die Reinigung erheblich und sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer des Geräts. Ausgestattet mit einer leistungsstarken 7 kW Gasheizung erreicht die Grillplatte schnell die gewünschte Betriebstemperatur. Die thermostatische Regelung ermöglicht es, die Temperatur präzise zwischen 100 °C und 280 °C einzustellen, sodass verschiedene Speisen optimal zubereitet werden können. Die leicht nach vorne geneigte Bratfläche sorgt dafür, dass überschüssiges Fett effizient in den integrierten Fettauffangbehälter abgeleitet wird, was die Speisen gesünder macht und die Reinigung erleichtert. Die Sicherheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit stehen bei diesem Modell im Vordergrund. Die Piezozündung ermöglicht eine einfache und sichere Inbetriebnahme, während der IPX4 Spritzwasserschutz zusätzlichen Schutz bietet. Die rechtwinkligen Seitenkanten des Geräts ermöglichen eine nahtlose Integration in bestehende Kochzeilen, wodurch keine Zwischenräume entstehen, in denen sich Schmutz ansammeln könnte. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei diesem Gerät um ein Ausstellungsstück handelt.Es weist daher leichte Gebrauchsspuren auf, wurde jedoch von unserem Techniker gründlich geprüft und einer umfassenden Grundreinigung unterzogen. Sie erhalten auf dieses Gerät die volle Garantie, sodass Sie sicher sein können, ein zuverlässiges und hochwertiges Produkt zu erwerben, das Ihren professionellen Küchenalltag bereichern wird. Hersteller: Electrolux ProfessionalHerstellerartikelnummer: 371037

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Sale -6% FriFri Blümchen Fritteuse Super Easy 311 Energiesparausführung 11,4kW Absicherung 3x20A

    Blümchen AG FriFri Blümchen Fritteuse Super Easy 311 Energiesparausführung 11,4kW Absicherung 3x20A

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Lieferumfang 1x Blümchen Fritteuse FriFri Super Easy 311 Standfritteuse 1x Frittierkorb aus Edelstahl 1x Frittierdeckel 1x Fettablassschlauch 1x Bedienungsanleitung Technische Daten Leistung: 11,4 kW Stromversorgung: 400 V Absicherung: 3x20 A Kapazität: 10 Liter Öl Material: Edelstahl Abmessungen (B x T x H): 400 x 600 x 300 mm Gewicht: 12 kg Temperatureinstellung: 60°C bis 190°C Frittierkorb Maße: 250 x 300 x 100 mm Besonderheiten Energiesparausführung für geringen Stromverbrauch Schnelles Aufheizen dank hoher Leistung Präzise Temperaturregelung Robustes Edelstahlgehäuse Fettablasshahn für einfaches Entleeren Integrierter Überhitzungsschutz Rutschfeste Standfüße für sicheren Halt Abnehmbarer Frittierkorb für leichte Reinigung Die Blümchen Fritteuse FriFri Super Easy 311 ist die ideale Lösung für alle, die in der Gastronomie oder in Großküchen arbeiten. Mit einer beeindruckenden Leistung von 11,4 kW und einer robusten Bauweise aus Edelstahl stellt diese Fritteuse sicher, dass Sie auch große Mengen schnell und effizient frittieren können. Das Modell ist speziell für den energiesparenden Einsatz konzipiert und reduziert somit nicht nur den Stromverbrauch, sondern auch die Betriebskosten. Die Absicherung mit 3x20A gewährleistet eine sichere und stabile Stromversorgung, selbst bei intensiver Nutzung. Ein weiteres Highlight der FriFri Super Easy 311 ist die präzise Temperaturregelung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, die Temperatur zwischen 60°C und 190°C genau einzustellen. Dadurch ist sie perfekt geeignet für die Zubereitung einer Vielzahl von Speisen, von knusprigen Pommes Frites bis hin zu saftigen Hähnchenflügeln. Die Fritteuse heizt sich in kürzester Zeit auf die gewünschte Temperatur auf, was besonders in stressigen Küchenalltag von Vorteil ist. Die Fritteuse ist zudem äußerst benutzerfreundlich. Der Fettablasshahn ermöglicht ein einfaches Entleeren des Öls, was die Reinigung erheblich erleichtert. Der Frittierkorb kann problemlos entnommen und gereinigt werden, was den täglichen Gebrauch noch praktischer macht. Zudem sorgt der integrierte Überhitzungsschutz für zusätzliche Sicherheit während des Betriebs. Mit den kompakten Abmessungen von 400 x 600 x 300 mm und einem Gewicht von nur 12 kg findet die FriFri Super Easy 311 auch in kleineren Küchen problemlos Platz. Trotz ihrer Größe bietet sie eine großzügige Kapazität von 10 Litern Öl, was sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Gerät für professionelle Küchen macht, die auf Qualität und Effizienz setzen. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer Fritteuse sind, die Leistung, Energieeffizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit vereint, dann ist die Blümchen Fritteuse FriFri Super Easy 311 die perfekte Wahl für Sie. Ihre Langlebigkeit und die hochwertigen Materialien garantieren, dass Sie viele Jahre Freude an diesem Gerät haben werden. Hersteller: Blümchen Herstellerartikelnummer: FFSE311

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Saro Kontaktgrill Modell PG 2 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-443-1010-Saro-4017337035731

    Saro Saro Contact Grill Model PG 2

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    Scope of delivery: Saro Contact Grill Model PG 2 Technical data:  Material: (housing and collecting bowl) stainless steel (Grill plate) cast iron, (handle) heat -insulating plastic Two grill zones that can be regulated separately Grill plate grilled Grill plates can be easily cleaned With cable - without plug Weight: 25 kg Dimensions: B 580, grill plate above: 2x 215, grill plate below: 440 x T 410, grill plate above: 215, grill plate below: 230 x H 190 Temp. +50 / +300 ° C Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 3.6 kW The Saro Contact Grill Model PG 2 offers a versatile solution for the preparation of grilled dishes in commercial environments. With its separate grill zones, robust material and precise temperature control, it is a practical tool for the quick and even preparation of different dishes.

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Saro Kontaktgrill Modell PG 1 B - Salmgastro Onlineshop-443-1005-Saro-4017337035724

    Saro Saro Contact Grill Model PG 1 B

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    Scope of delivery:  Saro Contact Grill Model PG 1 B Technical data:  Material: (housing and collecting bowl) stainless steel, (grill plate) cast iron, (handle) heat -insulating plastic Grill plate grilled Grill plates can be easily cleaned Weight: 19 kg Temp. +50 / +300 ° C Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 2.2 kW The Saro Contact Grill Model PG 1 B offers an efficient and easy way to grill different dishes. The combination of stainless steel housing, cast iron grill plate and heat -insulating handle makes it robust and user -friendly. With its wide temperature range and grilled grill plate, you can achieve professional grill results. This device is a valuable addition to companies in the catering trade that would like to offer a quick and high -quality preparation of grilled dishes.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • Saro Elektrofritteuse Modell E7/FRE2V17 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-423-1125-Saro-4017337423255

    Saro Saro ElektroFeuse model E7/FRE2V17

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    Scope of delivery: Saro ElektroFeuse model E7/FRE2V17 Technical data:  Material: stainless steel With a drain tap and stainless steel ripening container for simple oil change Rounded basin with cold zone Stepless temperature setting up to 190 ° C High -folding heating element enables problem -free cleaning Security thermostat Weight: 110 kg Dimensions: W 800 x D 700 x H 850 mm Korb: 1 x W 290 x D 300 x H 120 mm 2 x W 140 x D 300 x H 120 mm Contents: 2x 17 liters Temp. 0 /+190 ° C Connection: 400 V - 50-60 Hz - 33 kW The Saro ElektroFreuse model E7/FRE2V17 offers professional functions and high performance to prepare large amounts of fried food. With its stainless steel structure, the stepless temperature setting and the high -folded heating element, it is ideal for demanding use in commercial kitchens and restaurants.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • Saro Fritteuse Modell GASTROLINE 12+12VS - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-4055-Saro-4017337173051

    Saro Saro fryer model Gastroline 12+12VS

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    Scope of delivery:  Saro fryer model Gastroline 12+12VS Technical data:  Material: stainless steel Rounded basin with cold zone With a drain tap and stainless steel ripening container Stepless temperature setting Removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning On/off switch Security thermostat Weight: 59 kg Dimensions: W 800 x D 700 x H 950 Contents: 2x 12 liters Temp. 0 / +180 ° C Connection: 400 V - 50 Hz - 2 x 9 kW The Saro Frounduse model Gastroline 12+12VS offers a powerful solution for the preparation of fried dishes in larger quantities. With its advanced functions, precise temperature control and the high -quality stainless steel structure, it is an ideal addition for professional kitchens in which frying dishes are prepared.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • Saro Fritteuse Modell PROFRI 88 V - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-2075-Saro-4017337172900

    Saro Saro fryer model Profri 88 V

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Scope of delivery: Saro fryer model Profri 88 V Technical data:  Material: stainless steel Rounded, removable pools with cold zone With a drain tap Stepless temperature setting Removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning Security thermostat Dimensions including side handles or drain tap Weight: 15 kg Dimensions: W 610 x D 485 x H 350 Contents: 2x 8 liters Temp. 0 / +180 ° C Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 2 x 3.25 kW The Saro fryer model Profri 88 V is a versatile device that can be used in professional kitchens for frying food. With a robust stainless steel structure, stepless temperature control and practical functions such as removable heating elements and drain tap, it is well equipped to ensure efficient frying frying.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO WOW GRILL EGO HOME S mit Deckel - Salmgastro Onlineshop-444-2001-Saro-4017337067442

    Saro Saro WoW Grill ego Home S with lid

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Temperature range 80-320 ° C - stainless steel - can be used as a water grille - uniform browning - Individually heated grill sticks - including cleaning scraps - including fish foil - Abm. : B 540 x D 350 x H 180 mm - Connection: 230 V / 50 Hz / 2.2 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • Saro Side wing / splash protection for Tilla3

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel -Splash protection set for the left and right side of the Gas Dönergrill Tilla 3 - Dis.: 2x B 190 x D 25 x H 610/632 ((including plug -in set) mm - Weight: (n/b) 2.34/3 kg

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO E7/CPCEXD Nudelkorb: 2/3 GN - Salmgastro Onlineshop-423-4015-Saro-4017337423873

    Saro Saro E7/CPCEXD noodle basket: 2/3 GN

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Weight: 1.7 kg

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Fritteuse Modell EF 4 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-443-6000-Saro-4017337049196

    Saro Saro fryer model EF 4

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - rounded, removable, pelvis with cold zone - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - for professional use - Security thermostat - Weight: 9 kg - Dimensions: W 183 x T 419/595 x H 280 - Contents: 4 liters - Temp. 60 / +200 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 2 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Fritteuse Modell GASTROLINE 12VS - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-4050-Saro-4017337173044

    Saro Saro Frounduse model Gastroline 12VS

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    - Material: stainless steel - Rounded basin with cold zone - with a drain tap and stainless steel ripening container - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - on/off switch - Security thermostat - Weight: 29 kg - Dimensions: W 400 x D 700 x H 950 - Contents: 12 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 400 V - 50 Hz - 9 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Fritteuse Tischmodell GASTROLINE 12+12V - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-4035-Saro-4017337173013

    Saro Saro fryer table model gastroline 12+12V

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    - Material: stainless steel - Rounded basin with cold zone - with a drain tap (removable spout) - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - on/off switch - Security thermostat - Dimensions including a drainage tap - Weight: 33 kg - Dimensions: W 800 x D 700 x H 420 - Contents: 2x 12 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 400 V - 50 Hz - 2 x 9 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • SARO Fritteuse Tischmodell GASTROLINE 12V - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-4030-Saro-4017337173006

    Saro Saro fryer table model gastroline 12V

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - Rounded basin with cold zone - with a drain tap (removable spout) - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - on/off switch - Security thermostat - Dimensions including a drainage tap - Weight: 15 kg - Dimensions: W 400 x D 700 x H 420 - Contents: 12 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 400 V - 50 Hz - 9 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Fritteuse Tischmodell GASTROLINE 9+9V - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-4025-Saro-4017337172993

    Saro Saro fryer table model gastroline 9+9v

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - Rounded basin with cold zone - with a drain tap (removable spout) - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - on/off switch - Security thermostat - Dimensions including a drainage tap - Weight: 26 kg - Dimensions: W 600 x D 545 x H 410 - Contents: 2x 9 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 400 V - 50 Hz - 2 x 6 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Fritteuse Modell FE 102 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-2083-Saro-4017337172825

    Saro Saro fryer model Fe 102

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - Rounded basin with cold zone - with a drain tap - Stepless temperature setting - removable heating elements for problem -free cleaning - on/off switch - Security thermostat - Dimensions including a drainage tap - Weight: 17 kg - Dimensions: W 600 x D 525 x H 345 - Contents: 2x 10 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 2 x 3.25 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Fritteuse Modell PROFRI 44 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-172-2040-Saro-4017337172405

    Saro Saro fryer model Profri 44

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - rounded, removable pools with cold zone - Stepless temperature setting - Removable heating elements enable problem -free cleaning - Security thermostat - Dimensions including side handles - Weight: 8 kg - Dimensions: W 435 x D 430 x H 310 - Contents: 2x 4 liters - Temp. 0 / +180 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz -2 x 2 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Kontaktgrill Modell PG 1 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-443-1000-Saro-4017337035717

    Saro Saro Contact Grill Model PG 1

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: (housing and collecting bowl) stainless steel, (grill plate) cast iron, (handle) heat -insulating plastic - grill plate grilled - grill plates can be cleaned simply - Weight: 16 kg - Temp. +50 / +300 ° C - Connection: 230 V - 50 Hz - 1.8 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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  • SARO Griddleplatte Modell GPK 800 - Salmgastro Onlineshop-458-1045-Saro-4017337048694

    Saro Saro Griddleplatte model GPK 800

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    - Material: stainless steel - fried plate smooth - Ceramic coating - Splash protection on three sides - With three heating zones - Removable fatty bang container - Weight: 25 kg - Temp. +50 / +300 ° C - Connection: 400 V - 50 Hz - 6 kW

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


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