Rinsing basket

8 products

  • Sale -36% Colged Gläserkorb Draht 5 Reihen - Salmgastro Onlineshop-8162762-Colged-

    Colged Coled glass basket wire 5 rows

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Scope of delivery: 1x glass basket Technical data Dimensions: 500x500x170 mm Rows: 5 Inclined edition for glasses with ⌀80 mm The practical and durable solution for the optimal cleaning of your glasses: the universal glass basket for the dishwasher with 5 rows. This specially developed basket offers an efficient way to rinse your glasses safely and gently while saving valuable space in your dishwasher. Key Features: Five rows for maximum capacity: the glass basket has four rows that can absorb a large number of glasses. No matter whether wine glasses, champagne flutes, drinking glasses or other types of glasses - you can all easily accommodate them in this basket. Easy handling: The open structure of the basket facilitates the loading and unloading of the glasses. You can easily remove the basket out of the dishwasher and remove the glasses. Manufacturer: Coled Manufacturer article number: 983082

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Sale -37% Colged Universal Gläserkorb Draht 4 Reihen - Salmgastro Onlineshop-8154835-Colged-

    Colged Colged Universal glass basket wire 4 rows

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Scope of delivery: 1x universal glass basket Technical data Dimensions: 500x500x170 mm Rows: 4 Inclined edition for glasses with ⌀110 mm The practical and durable solution for the optimal cleaning of your glasses: the universal glass basket for the dishwasher with 4 rows. This specially developed basket offers an efficient way to rinse your glasses safely and gently while saving valuable space in your dishwasher. Key Features: Four rows for maximum capacity: the glass basket has four rows that can absorb a large number of glasses. No matter whether wine glasses, champagne flutes, drinking glasses or other types of glasses - you can all easily accommodate them in this basket. Easy handling: The open structure of the basket facilitates the loading and unloading of the glasses. You can easily remove the basket out of the dishwasher and remove the glasses. Manufacturer: Coled Manufacturer article number: 983083

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Contacto Spülmaschinenkorb mit Fingern, grau - Salmgastro Onlineshop-2517/050-Contacto Bander-

    Contacto Bander Contacto dishwasher with fingers, gray

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Scope of delivery:  Contacto dishwasher with fingers, gray Technical data:  For dishes/small. Tablets up to 46 cm 500x500x100 mm Coarse -meshed material: PP stackable temperature resistant up to 120 ° C The contacto dishwasher with fingers is made of high quality plastic and is characterized by its special design with fingers or pens that are attached to the basket. These fingers serve to fix and secure dishes, cutlery and other objects in the areas provided for this purpose.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Contacto Bander Spülmaschinen-Universalkorb 500x500x100 grau

    Contacto Bander Contacto Bander Spülmaschinen-Universalkorb 500x500x100 grau

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Lieferumfang 1x Contacto Bander Spülmaschinen-Universalkorb 500x500x100 grau Besonderheiten Maße: 500 x 500 x 100 mm Material: Polypropylen Farbe: Grau Temperaturbeständig bis 120 °C Stapelbar Gewicht: ca. 1,5kg Leicht zu reinigen und hygienisch Robuste Konstruktion für den intensiven Gebrauch Der Contacto Bander Spülmaschinen-Universalkorb in der Größe 500x500x100 mm ist die ideale Lösung für professionelle Küchen, die eine zuverlässige und effiziente Möglichkeit zur Reinigung und Lagerung von Geschirr und Besteck benötigen. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Polypropylen, ist dieser Korb nicht nur extrem robust und langlebig, sondern auch resistent gegenüber hohen Temperaturen bis zu 120 °C. Dies gewährleistet, dass er den Anforderungen des täglichen Gebrauchs in einer professionellen Umgebung problemlos standhält. Mit seinen kompakten Maßen und der grauen Farbe fügt sich der Spülmaschinen-Universalkorb nahtlos in jede Küche ein und bietet eine hervorragende Lösung zur Organisation und Reinigung. Dank seiner Stapelbarkeit können mehrere Körbe platzsparend gelagert werden, was besonders in beengten Küchenumgebungen von Vorteil ist. Die offene Struktur des Korbes sorgt für eine optimale Wasser- und Luftzirkulation, was eine gründliche Reinigung und schnelle Trocknung des Inhalts ermöglicht. Ob Teller, Tassen, Besteck oder Küchenutensilien – der Contacto Bander Universalkorb ist vielseitig einsetzbar und ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für jede professionelle Küche. Hersteller: Contacto Bander GmbH Herstellerartikelnummer: 249733

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Sale -32% Coldeg Spülmaschinenkorb Inox 500x600x150 aus V2A - Salmgastro Onlineshop - 8169625 - Coldeg -

    Coldeg Coldeg Spülmaschinenkorb Inox 500x600x150 aus V2A

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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    Lieferumfang 1x Coldeg Spülmaschinenkorb Inox 500x500x150 Besonderheiten Maße: 500x600x150 mm Material: Hochwertiger Edelstahl (Inox) V2A Robuste und langlebige Konstruktion Gewicht ca. 3,8kg Geeignet für den Einsatz in industriellen Spülmaschinen Leicht zu reinigen und hygienisch Der Spülmaschinenkorb Coldeg Inox ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für professionelle Gastronomiebetriebe, die eine effiziente und sichere Methode zur Reinigung. Dieser Spülkorb, hergestellt aus hochwertigem Edelstahl, bietet eine langlebige und robuste Lösung, die den hohen Anforderungen des täglichen Gebrauchs in einer professionellen Küche standhält. Mit seinen Abmessungen von 500 x 600 x 150 mm passt der Spülmaschinenkorb perfekt in die meisten industriellen Spülmaschinen. Das durchdachte Design sorgt nicht nur für eine gründliche Reinigung, sondern auch für eine schnelle Trocknung des Geschirrs. Der Einsatz von Edelstahl garantiert dabei nicht nur eine lange Lebensdauer, sondern auch eine einfache Reinigung und höchste Hygienestandards. Der Spülmaschinenkorb ist zudem besonders benutzerfreundlich und lässt sich mühelos in bestehende Arbeitsabläufe integrieren. Ob in Restaurants, Bars oder Catering-Betrieben – der Spülmaschinenkorb Coldeg Inox 500x600x150 ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für alle, die Wert auf Sauberkeit und Effizienz legen. Hersteller: Coldeg

    Ordering item  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Contacto Spülmaschinen-Besteckkorb, grau, PP - Salmgastro Onlineshop-2512/042-Contacto Bander-

    Contacto Bander Contacto dishwasher cutlery, gray, PP

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
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    Scope of delivery:  Contacto dishwasher cutlery, gray, PP Technical data:  8-fold 430 x 210 x 150 mm temperature resistant up to 120 ° C stackable with robust handles The contacts dishwasher cutlery, gray, PP, is an indispensable solution in commercial kitchens, restaurants, hotels and catering companies to clean the cutlery safely and efficiently during the rinsing process. The division and the ergonomic handles make it easy to remove the clean cutlery after rinsing and have it ready for the next use.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Contacto Spülmaschinenkorb grobmaschig, grau - Salmgastro Onlineshop-2513/050-Contacto Bander-

    Contacto Bander Contacto dishwasher basket, gray

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Scope of delivery:  Contacto dishwasher basket, gray Technical data:  500x500x100 mm Pp Stackable without division temperature resistant up to 120 ° C The contacto dishwasher basket is made of high -quality plastic and is characterized by its coarse -mesh structure. The coarse -meshed design of the basket enables larger objects, such as plates, bowls and glasses, to keep it safe and rinse efficiently.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
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  • Contacto Spülmaschinenkorb, engmaschig, grau - Salmgastro Onlineshop-2521/050-Contacto Bander-

    Contacto Bander Contacto dishwasher, tight -meshed, gray

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Scope of delivery:  Contacto dishwasher, tight -meshed, gray Technical data:  500x500x100 mm Pp Stackable without division temperature resistant up to 120 ° C The contacto dishwasher basket is made of high -quality plastic and is characterized by its close -meshed structure. The close -knit design of the basket enables even small objects, such as cutlery or small dishes, to keep it safe, so that they are not falling out or damaged during the rinsing process.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time



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