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123 products

  • Elektrischer Milchaufschäumer, HENDI, 0,3L, 230V/500W, 200x167x(H)245mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-209097-Hendi-8711369209097

    Hendi Electric milk frother, Hendi, 0.3l, 230V/500W, 200x167x (H) 245mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Stainless steel housing and milk jug with handle made of ABS. 6 functions: hot thick milk foam, hot thin milk foam, cold milk foam, warm milk, hot chocolate, tea with hot milk. The milk jug is removable for light debris. Filling quantity for foaming: 300 ml. Filling quantity for heating: 600 ml. Cander diameter: 130 mm. Suitable for use with cold milk. The lid and stirring insert are dishwasher -safe. Included in the set: lid and stirring accessories. Foaming also works with vegan milk (e.g. oat, almond or soy milk, preferably "Barista" type)- the effect can vary depending on the milk producer.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Sale -13% Glastrinkhalme 200 x Ø9mm mit Bürste KT=50 ST

    Dagema Glastrinkhalme 200 x Ø9mm mit Bürste KT=50 ST

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Lieferumfang 50 gerade Glastrinkhalme 1 Reinigungsbürste Besonderheiten Wiederverwendbar und umweltfreundlich Hergestellt aus bruchsicherem Borosilikatglas Geeignet für heiße und kalte Getränke Spülmaschinengeeignet für einfache Reinigung Geschmacks- und geruchsneutral Die Glastrinkhalme mit einer Länge von 200 mm und einem Durchmesser von 9 mm sind die perfekte nachhaltige Alternative zu herkömmlichen Plastikstrohhalmen. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Borosilikatglas, zeichnen sie sich durch ihre besondere Bruchsicherheit aus und sind sowohl für heiße als auch kalte Getränke geeignet. Ob Cocktails, Smoothies oder Heißgetränke – diese Trinkhalme verleihen jedem Getränk eine stilvolle Note. Dank ihrer Spülmaschinentauglichkeit ist die Reinigung der Glastrinkhalme besonders unkompliziert. Für hartnäckige Rückstände steht die mitgelieferte Reinigungsbürste zur Verfügung, mit der die Halme auch von innen mühelos gesäubert werden können. Ihre geschmacks- und geruchsneutralen Eigenschaften gewährleisten ein unverfälschtes Trinkerlebnis. Mit diesem Set leisten Sie einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz, indem Sie auf wiederverwendbare Produkte setzen und somit Einwegplastik vermeiden. Hersteller: Dagema Herstellerartikelnummer: 1700066

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Kühltisch, zweitürig Kitchen Line 300L, Arktic, 230V/220W, 900x700x(H)880mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232019-Hendi-8711369232019

    Hendi Cooling table, second -door kitchen Line 300L, Arctic, 230V/220W, 900x700x (H) 880mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling space dimensions: 830x595x (H) 500 mm. Including 2 floors (335x570mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Energy label: A (A +++-G). Weight: 70 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Kühlvitrine 270 Liter, Arktic, schwarz, Schwarz, 230V/290W, 556x526x(H)1913mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-233290-Hendi-8711369233290

    Hendi Cooling showcase 270 liters, Arctic, black, black, 230V/290W, 556x526x (h) 1913mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    5 floors, dimensions 428x386x (h) 18mm. Equipped with 4 wheels, 2 of them with brakes. Energy label: C. Temperature range: 0 to 6 ° C. Calculated agent: R290.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Mehrzweck-Pinzette, HENDI, (L)300mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-680131-Hendi-8711369680131

    Hendi Multi-purpose tweezers, Hendi, (L) 300mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Mat -black coating with a PVD. High quality and durable.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Sale -15% Glastrinkhalme 230 x Ø9mm mit Bürste KT=50 ST

    Dagema Glastrinkhalme 230 x Ø9mm mit Bürste KT=50 ST

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Lieferumfang 50 gerade Glastrinkhalme 1 Reinigungsbürste Besonderheiten Wiederverwendbar und umweltfreundlich Hergestellt aus bruchsicherem Borosilikatglas Geeignet für heiße und kalte Getränke Spülmaschinengeeignet für einfache Reinigung Geschmacks- und geruchsneutral Die Glastrinkhalme mit einer Länge von 230 mm und einem Durchmesser von 9 mm sind die perfekte nachhaltige Alternative zu herkömmlichen Plastikstrohhalmen. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Borosilikatglas, zeichnen sie sich durch ihre besondere Bruchsicherheit aus und sind sowohl für heiße als auch kalte Getränke geeignet. Ob Cocktails, Smoothies oder Heißgetränke – diese Trinkhalme verleihen jedem Getränk eine stilvolle Note. Dank ihrer Spülmaschinentauglichkeit ist die Reinigung der Glastrinkhalme besonders unkompliziert. Für hartnäckige Rückstände steht die mitgelieferte Reinigungsbürste zur Verfügung, mit der die Halme auch von innen mühelos gesäubert werden können. Ihre geschmacks- und geruchsneutralen Eigenschaften gewährleisten ein unverfälschtes Trinkerlebnis. Mit diesem Set leisten Sie einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz, indem Sie auf wiederverwendbare Produkte setzen und somit Einwegplastik vermeiden. Hersteller: Dagema Herstellerartikelnummer: 1700067

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Schockfroster 3x GN 1/1, Arktic, 230V/1150W, 750x740x(H)750mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232163-Hendi-8711369232163

    Hendi Shock -freezer 3x GN 1/1, Arctic, 230V/1150W, 750x740x (H) 750mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling room suitable for inserts: 3x GN 1/1 or 3 x 600x400 mm. Cooling room Dimensions: 610x410x (H) 280 mm. 3 insert options with a distance of 70 mm. Cooling power +3ºC: 14 kg. Freezing performance -18ºC: 11 kg. Weight: 50 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Schockfroster 10 x GN 1/1, Arktic, GN 1/1, 230V/1490W, 750x740x(H)1290mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232187-Hendi-8711369232187

    Hendi Shock frost 10 x GN 1/1, Arctic, GN 1/1, 230V/1490W, 750x740x (H) 1290mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling room suitable for inserts: 10x GN 1/1 or 10x 600x400 mm. Cooling room Dimensions: 610x410x (H) 760 mm. 10 insert options with a distance of 70 mm. Cooling power +3ºC: 25 kg. Freezing performance -18ºC: 20 kg. Weight: 90 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Schockfroster 7 x GN 1/1, Arktic, 230V/1490W, 750x740x(H)1290mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232194-Hendi-8711369232194

    Hendi Shock freezer 7 x GN 1/1, Arctic, 230V/1490W, 750x740x (H) 1290mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling room suitable for inserts: 7x GN 1/1 or 7 x 600x400 mm. Cooling room Dimensions: 610x410x (H) 760 mm. 7 insert options with a distance of 105 mm. Cooling power +3ºC: 25 kg. Freezing performance -18ºC: 20 kg. Weight: 90 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Schockfroster 5 x GN 1/1, Arktic, 230V/1420W, 750x740x(H)880mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232170-Hendi-8711369232170

    Hendi Shock freezer 5 x GN 1/1, Arctic, 230V/1420W, 750x740x (h) 880mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling room suitable for inserts: 5x GN 1/1 or 5 x 600x400 mm. Cooling room Dimensions: 610x410x (H) 410 mm. 5 insertion options with a distance of 70 mm. Cooling power +3ºC: 20 kg. Freezing performance -18ºC: 15 kg. Weight: 71 kg

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Kühltisch, zweitürig Kitchen Line 220 L, Arktic, Kitchen Line, 166L, 230V/300W, 1200x600x(H)800mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-233344-Hendi-8711369233344

    Hendi Cooling table, second -door kitchen Line 220 L, Arctic, Kitchen Line, 166l, 230V/300W, 1200x600x (H) 800mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling space dimensions: 800x480x (H) 580 mm. Including 2 floors (390x428mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Energy label: B (A +++-G). Weight: 71 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Tiefkühltisch, dreitürig Kitchen Line 390 L, Arktic, Kitchen Line, 291L, 230V/550W, 1800x600x(H)800mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-233399-Hendi-8711369233399

    Hendi Frozen table, three -door kitchen Line 390 L, Arctic, Kitchen Line, 291l, 230V/550W, 1800x600x (H) 800mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling space dimensions: 1400x480x (h) 580 mm. Including 3 floors (2x390x428mm, 1x490x428mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Energy label: C (A +++-G). Weight: 81 kg

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Kühltisch, zweitürig Profi Line 280 L, Arktic, Profi Line, GN 1/1, 230V/250W, 1360x700x(H)850mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232040-Hendi-8711369232040

    Hendi Cooling table, second -door professional Line 280 L, Arctic, Profi Line, GN 1/1, 230V/250W, 1360x700x (H) 850mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling space dimensions: 822x570x (h) 580 mm. Including 2 floors (330x545mm), each resilient up to 40 kg (with even load distribution). Cooling agent: R600A Energy label: A (A +++-G). Weight: 95 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Tiefkühltisch, zweitürig Profi Line 280 L, Arktic, Profi Line, GN 1/1, 420L, 230V/600W, 1360x700x(H)850mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232064-Hendi-8711369232064

    Hendi Frozen table, second -door professional Line 280 L, Arctic, Profi Line, GN 1/1, 420L, 230V/600W, 1360x700x (H) 850mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Cooling space dimensions: 822x570 (H) 580 mm. Including 2 floors (330x545mm), each resilient up to 40 kg (with even load distribution). Cooling agent: R290 Energy label: C (A +++-G). Weight: 95 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Schubladen mit Führungen - 2er Set, Arktic, Profi Line, 300x545x(H)145mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232071-Hendi-8711369232071

    Hendi Drawers with guided tours - 2 Set, Arctic, Profi Line, 300x545x (H) 145mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Conversion set for professional line tables of the 700 series for 2 drawers.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Saladette, zweitürig 300L, Arktic, 230V/310W, 900x700x(H)888mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232804-Hendi-8711369232804

    Hendi Saladette, second door 300l, Arctic, 230V/310W, 900x700x (h) 888mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    Fixable folding lid made of stainless steel. Offers space for, for example, 2x GN 1/1 and 3x GN 1/6 up to a depth of 150 mm. Cooling space dimensions: 830x595x (h) 500 mm. Including 2 floors (335x570mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Dimensions of the plastic worktop: 900x135x (h) 20 mm. Weight: 68 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Kühltisch, zweitürig mit Glasdisplay 300L, Arktic, 230V/310W, 900x700x(H)1300mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232781-Hendi-8711369232781

    Hendi Cooling table, second -door with glass display 300L, Arctic, 230V/310W, 900x700x (H) 1300mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With elegant glass protection, offers space, for example, for 2x GN 1/1 and 3x GN 1/6 up to a depth of 150 mm. Cooling space dimensions: 830x595x (h) 500 mm. Including 2 floors (335x570mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Plastic worktop: 900x135x (h) 20 mm. Weight: 80 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Pizzatisch, zweitürig 300 L, Arktic, 230V/310W, 900x700x(H)1100mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232859-Hendi-8711369232859

    Hendi Pizzatic, second door 300 l, Arctic, 230V/310W, 900x700x (h) 1100mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With stainless steel cover with space for 5x GN 1/6 (max. Hight 150 mm) refrigerator dimensions: 830x595x (h) 500 mm. Insulation: 35 mm polyurethane including 3 floors (335x570 mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Weight: 94 kg

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Kühltisch, dreitürig mit Glasdisplay 380L, Arktic, 230V/310W, 1365x700x(H)1300mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232798-Hendi-8711369232798

    Hendi Cooling table, three -door with glass display 380L, Arctic, 230V/310W, 1365x700x (H) 1300mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With elegant glass protection, offers space, for example, for 4x GN 1/1 up to a depth of 150 mm. Cooling space dimensions: 1295x595x (h) 500 mm. Including 3 floors (335x570mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Plastic worktop: 1365x135x (h) 20 mm. Weight: 110 kg.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Pizzatisch, dreitürig 380L, Arktic, 230V/310W, 1365x700x(H)1100mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232873-Hendi-8711369232873

    Hendi Pizzatic, three -door 380l, Arctic, 230V/310W, 1365x700x (H) 1100mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With a glass cover with space for 8x GN 1/6 (max. Hight 150 mm) refrigerator dimensions: 1295x595x (h) 500 mm. Insulation: 35 mm polyurethane including 3 floors (335x570 mm), each resilient up to 15 kg (with even load distribution). Weight: 180 kg

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Aufsatz-Kühlvitrine Gastronorm 1/3, Arktic, 7x GN 1/3, 230V/180W, 1605x395x(H)430mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232989-Hendi-8711369232989

    Hendi Approache cooling opitrine gastronorm 1/3, Arctic, 7x GN 1/3, 230V/180W, 1605x395x (H) 430mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With spitting protection made of hardened glass. The cooling shower is suitable for up to 150 mm depth GN 1/3 container.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Aufsatz-Kühlvitrine Gastronorm 1/3, Arktic, 6x GN 1/3, 230V/180W, 1405x395x(H)430mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232972-Hendi-8711369232972

    Hendi Total cooling opitrine gastronorm 1/3, Arctic, 6x GN 1/3, 230V/180W, 1405x395x (H) 430mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With spitting protection made of hardened glass. The cooling shower is suitable for up to 150 mm depth GN 1/3 container.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Aufsatz-Kühlvitrine Gastronorm 1/4, Arktic, 7x GN 1/4, 230V/180W, 1505x335x(H)430mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-232910-Hendi-8711369232910

    Hendi Total cooling opitrine gastronorm 1/4, Arctic, 7x GN 1/4, 230V/180W, 1505x335x (H) 430mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With spitting protection made of hardened glass. The cooling shower is suitable for up to 150 mm depth GN 1/4 container.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


  • Aufsatz-Kühlvitrine Gastronorm 1/3, Arktic, 9x GN 1/3, 230V/180W, 2005x395x(H)290mm - Salmgastro Onlineshop-233993-Hendi-8711369233993

    Hendi Approache cooling opitrine gastronorm 1/3, Arctic, 9x GN 1/3, 230V/180W, 2005x395x (H) 290mm

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time

    With stainless steel lid. The cooling shower is suitable for up to 150 mm depth GN 1/3 container.

    Stock item*  Shipping times warehouse items:
    Central warehouse:
    Package shipping: 1-2 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 1-3 working days
    Exterior camp:
    Package shipping: 2-7 working days
    Sversand of the freight forwarding: 2-7 working days
    Order article:
    Please inquire about delivery time


Kühlung - Salmgastro Onlineshop


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